Welcome to Web Design I

In this course, you will design a web site with transception, using evolutionary guidance media.

A five phase development structure will help shape the design and delivery process.
There are two major deliverables:
1) prototype and
2) the final site.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

Think about 2009 and The Canadian New Media Awards

Think about 2009 and The Canadian New Media Awards

Product Awards categories include:

EXCELLENCE IN SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITES: This award will be presented to a website that demonstrates excellence is connecting a community of users through a variety of different tools and functions.
The site will be judged on
1) quality of user experience,
2) the appropriateness of the functionality to the community group it serves and
3) the amount of community activity generated by the site.

Submissions can represent a corporation, a non profit organization, a citizen or a political realm.


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