Welcome to Web Design I

In this course, you will design a web site with transception, using evolutionary guidance media.

A five phase development structure will help shape the design and delivery process.
There are two major deliverables:
1) prototype and
2) the final site.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Project #1: Site Prototype & Presentation

Due Date: Week #7
Value: 25% of Final Grade

“Think Global, Act Local.”

1. Cyberception means getting a sense of the whole.
2. Transception is cyberception with compassion.
3. Evolutionary guidance media are those that guide the development of human systems encouraging the holistic development of both individuals and their systems.

The Web Site Project:
Using creative imagination, design a solution to a local problem, through the window of one of the nine interactive dimensions. The Web Site becomes the interactive window through which transception flows. The design problem, research data, and proposed solution, are all presented through the Web Site Prototype.

1. Dimensions: Choose one of the nine interactive dimensions of an evolutionary guidance system.
2. Group Cluster: Form a group cluster for technical and content support with all the students from each particular dimension.
3. Local Issue: Think global and act local, exploring and discovering a local design problem that needs immediate attention.
4. Data: Gather and present evidence of the problem.
5. Web Solution: A design solution will be proposed and presented as the Web Site Prototype.
6. Links: Recommend at least three similar sites in the same dimension.
7. Share research and prototype with the class.

Technical & Content Requirements:
To be eligible to receive full marks, the Web Site Prototype must include the following content and technical specifications:
1. Paragraph explanation of the design dimension;
2. Three links to sites as examples of that specific dimension;
3. Paragraph description of the local context & design problem;
4. Presentation of the design solution as the Web site;
5. Navigation structure & Visual interface to support the dimension;
Recommend the following:
1. Wrapper layer
2. Use of a background image/gradient fill;
3. Table;
4. External CSS file for all type;
5. Meta tags (keywords, description);
6. Alt tags for all images;
7. Sketches
8. Evaluations: by self & by another class member from your dimension support group;
9. References to primary and secondary research materials.
10. All working files and the final Web Site Prototype must be submitted on a CD/DVD-ROM and the Site must be fully functional on the CD/DVD-ROM.

The Web Site will be evaluated according to the following:
1. evidence of creativity,
2. aesthetics,
3. demonstration of web design principles,
4. meeting all content and technical specifications,
5. functionality,
6. ease-of-use.

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